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New Volunteer Signup

Select Roles
Please select the Roles for which you are comfortable and qualified
Volunteers staff the box office area, before each performance and stay through the first part of the performance. They sell tickets, provide exchanges, and, in general, serve as customer service representative. (15 minute orientation available)
Assist patrons to their seats and with post show house cleanup
Sell concessions before show and during intermission. Assist with concession and lobby cleanup after intermission.
Efficient at making mixed drinks
Popcorn Colonel
Make popcorn as needed through intermission. Assist popcorn machine and concessions area cleanup.
House Manager
The house manager oversees the lobby and all patron areas during performances and is available for audience emergencies. This position is responsible for staffing concessions sales. The house manager enforces house rules. He/she is in charge of balancing the money received at concessions. Recruits, trains, and supervises ushers. And is the Head Usher. In general, is the BDACT host.
Set Construction / Painting
Any number of volunteers are needed to help build sets under the direction of the technical director. People can be used during the day and evenings to work in the BDACT shop area. No special skills are necessary. Paints, Tools, and equipment are provided.
Set Designer
Adapt and create a set conducive to the BDACT / Beaver Dam High School stage and to the Directors wishes .Know the concept, style, characters, period, staging needs of the director. Consult with the Producer, costume, and lights
Makeup / Hair
The makeup crew people are on hand before and during each performance to help the actors apply makeup, ensure that special supplies are on hand, clean sponges, and tidy the makeup areas of the dressing rooms. The makeup crew also helps with styling hair and wigs.
Props Crew
The props chair decides how many people are needed for the props crew, and he/she trains them in proper procedures for organizing, pre-setting and putting away props. Props crew persons need not have previous backstage experience. They are expected to come for rehearsals during dress rehearsal week and for performances. Props crew people can share responsibilities, so that all people do not need to be present at all performances. This is an ideal position to get to know the theatre and how its backstage operations work.
Costumes / Wardrobe Crew
The wardrobe crew works with the wardrobe chair to organize and prepare wardrobe during the show. The crew assists the chair in any way needed, including helping actors change quickly, organizing costumes between shows, and helping to launder or repair any costumes. No previous backstage experience is necessary.
Costume Design
The costume designer works with the director to select costumes for the show, which may involve pulling costumes from our storage, buying clothes from stores and secondhand shops, altering clothes and sewing costumes from scratch. Sewing skills are vital, and it helps to be able to organize seamstresses to sew to your requirements. Costume designers also work with the director to accessorize actors with shoes, hats, jewelry, etc.
Stage Crew
Called “The Black Shadows” Crew of workers who move scenery or handle properties during a production. To run a smooth, orderly backstage operation, under the direction of the stage manager.
Stage Manager
Is to assist the director with rehearsals and manage all stage activity during tech rehearsals and performances. Prepare a master script/prompt book. Assist the director in developing the rehearsal calendar. Prepare information form for all those who audition. Manage the auditioning process. Show director’s “right-hand” at al rehearsals. Organize a stage crew. Assume responsibility for ALL stage activities during the run of the show. Direct all cues from a backstage station, using a TV monitor and headphones. Post the strike schedule.
Volunteer Information